At Tradex Foods we are committed to assisting our customers achieve their goals - and that is to Sell More Fish! We believe that knowledge is power - and we invest accordingly in research, education and communication.
At Tradex Foods - we are seafood experts and we’ve invested in research and education so you don’t have to and we are pleased to share our knowledge and insight with our customers.
Sales Aids, Marketing Collaterals, Training, Sell Sheets
Whatever you need to support your sales structure - our marketing team can make it happen - quickly and effectively.
We’re here to help you succeed.
Research enables you to identify opportunities, anticipate shifts in supply and demand, allowing you to communicate with your customers more confidently. Our market research team is the backbone of our 3-Minute Market Insight - the Most Watched Seafood News Series in the industry featuring Tradex Foods President and CEO Rob Reierson and Seafood News Producer Kyla Ganton reporting on Pricing, Market Conditions and Inventories for all major seafood categories.
1 in 5 Seafood Samples are Mislabeled. Quality Indicators, How do you tell good quality vs bad quality? How can you tell if a supplier is being fraudulent? It’s a scary world out there but we got your back.
School of Fish - Explores frozen processing methods, exposes deceptive seafood practices and educates on common species that can equip sales professionals with an arsenal of tools designed to combat those issues vulnerable to deception. Learning how to counter inferior products that erode the market is the key to building long-term sales growth. Our School of Fish educational resources are available 24/7 and absolutely free in our School of Fish section.
If there is “something fishy” you’d like investigated - Give Us a Shout!