EP 665 | AIRED 11/06/2023
Nov 6th, 2023 - Atlantic Cod supplies are going to be tight as the Barents Sea Cod quotas are set see a 20 percent reduction next year to about 450,000 tonnes.
This “may” lead to further upward price pressure, however, there is also speculation on whether Cod’s price limit has been reached.
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In the first half of 2023, China's imports of whole frozen Pollock rose by 12.5 percent to 380,000 tonnes and 94 percent of it was sourced from Russia.
Additionally, frozen Pollock fillet exports increased by 12.1 percent to about 88,000 tonnes, primarily shipped to Europe, where Germany and the United Kingdom accounted for 49 and 10 percent of the total, respectively.
The pulse still remains too faint for a definitive reading, but it's reasonable to speculate that if Cod prices persist in their ascent, buyers may shift their focus to Pollock, exerting price pressure on this species until the market reaches its limit.
Our recommendation is that if you have been on the fence on Pollock, now may be the time to commit.
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