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3-Minute Market Insight

EP 654 | AIRED 08/21/2023

2023 Summer Salmon Update: Coho Salmon

Aug 21st, 2023 - Coho Salmon (or Silver’s) is the second largest of the Alaska Salmon species and is the most popular of the wild salmon among smokers in Europe.

Coho landings in Alaska first registered early July and are one of two of the last species to peak during Alaska’s Summer Salmon Season.

Peak Coho harvest in Alaska should happen between mid-August to mid-September and although early season harvests are up 41 percent, it is still down 16 percent from the five-year-average.

Last year, Alaska’s Coho Salmon catch (at 11 million pounds from 1.9 million fish) was the smallest in 30-years, and fell short of preseason forecast by more than half.

If realized, the 2023 forecast of 17 million pounds (from 2.9 million fish) would represent a substantial increase from 2022, but still a small harvest by historical standards.

Compare this to Russia where 9,000 metric tonnes (or 19 million pounds) of Coho are forecasted for the Russian fishery.

Coho Salmon Specs

Last year Russia harvested 9,200 metric tonnes of Wild Coho from 3 million fish.

Average ex-vessel prices for Coho have been similar to Sockeye averages in recent years.

Wild Coho production in recent years globally has averaged less than a tenth of the volume of Farmed Coho where Chile is the world's largest Farmed Coho producer.


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Chile produced about 174,000 tonnes of Farmed Coho in 2022 - a 13 percent increase from the previous year.

Chile's Farmed Coho Salmon season has begun with major farmers boosting supply - others to start in mid-August which will continue increasing volumes.

2023 Alaska Coho Salmon Outlook & Summary

Prices are predicted to drop due to abundant supply and main producer's entry into the European market.

Our recommendation is to make a plan for your Coho purchasing now.

Contact your Tradex Foods representative today.

Chile produced about 174,000 MT of Farmed Coho Salmon in 2022...

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