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3-Minute Market Insight

EP 611 | AIRED 10/17/2022

Pacific Cod: Do You Have Supply Secured Until 2023?

Oct 17th, 2022 - As we sail past mid-October, it's that time of year again when the Alaska Cod (and Alaska Pollock) season winds down, and buyers should be looking at securing their future needs.

From what we can gauge, there is not much Pacific Cod that is going to be available until the spring, so it is important to buy for your needs to last you until then.

This is especially important for Headed and Gutted J-cut Longline Frozen-at-Sea products as that fishery is now closed.

The Pacific Cod fishery in Alaska is now 83 percent harvested of the 174,000 metric tonne total allowable catch.

Pacific Cod: Do You Have Supply Secured Until 2023?

If history is any indication, over 90 percent of the TAC for Alaska Cod is almost always harvested every year.

The Alaskan Pollock groundfish fishery is now 97 percent harvested of the 1.27 million metric tonne total allowable catch.

Between 95 to 99 percent of the TAC has always been harvested in the previous five seasons.


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Our recommendation is that you should pre-book your needs with your suppliers for the remainder of 2022 and into early 2023.

And as a reminder for what’s on the horizon, the holiday season is fast approaching, and China processing plants are booking for Chinese New Year and Lent production.

Pacific Cod: Do You Have Supply Secured Until 2023?

All of which makes for a very busy time - so get your planning in as soon as possible.

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