EP 573 | AIRED 01/24/2022
January 28, 2022 Update: The International Pacific Halibut Commission has confirmed this morning during day five of their Annual Meeting that the 2022 TCEY for the Pacific Halibut Fishery to be set at 41.22 million lbs - up from the TCEY of 39 million pounds in 2021, 36.60 million pounds in 2020 and 38.61 in 2019.
Jan 24th, 2022 --- This week we sneak in a Pacific Halibut update just days before the International Pacific Halibut Commission is set to reach a decision on the fishing limits for the 2022 Commercial Pacific Halibut Fishery.
At an SPR level of 43 percent, the 2022 Total Constant Exploitation Yield (also known as the TCEY) would equate to 41.2 million lbs - another increase when compared to previous seasons. (39 million pounds in 2021, 36.60 million pounds in 2020 and 38.61 in 2019).
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In 2021, fresh Alaskan Halibut fillets routinely sold for 24 to 28 dollars per pound US and upwards to 38 dollars per pound at outfits like Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle.
Online, Pacific Halibut fillets retailed in late 2021 at about 35 to 48 dollars per pound US for fillet portions and 35 to 36 dollars per pound for steaks.
Pacific Halibut entrees at the restaurants in metropolitan areas typically sell for 37 to 43 dollars US a dish (typically utilizing a 6oz portion) which translates to about 100 to 115 dollars US per pound.
Total consumer spending on Pacific Halibut products in the USA are assessed at 460 million dollars US, and in Canada, 232 million dollars US.
On the processing side, it’s estimated that total value-added activity related to Pacific Halibut products in the USA amounted to 230 million dollars US, and in Canada, 140 million dollars US.
Our recommendation this year is to make pre-commitments on your Pacific Halibut needs with your supplier as the demand for fresh and frozen seafood is forecasted to increase even further in 2022.
On a last note, this chart you just saw summarizes market flows for Pacific Halibut from the landing area to retail and services, accounting for trade balance in fresh, frozen, and processed products.
This chart was from the IPHC’s recent Pacific Halibut Market Profile report which contains a wealth of other market info on Pacific Halibut.
This chart was from the IPHC’s recent Pacific Halibut Market Profile report which contains a wealth of other market info on Pacific Halibut.
We’ve provided a link to this report here: