EP 561 | AIRED 10/25/2021
Fall Chum Salmon Update: Russia, Japan, Puget Sound, BC
October 25th, 2021--- This week we report on Fall Chum Salmon supplies as the Fall fisheries for Russia, Japan, and Puget Sound all take place.
--- But first, as a part of our “What’s Good Campaign” - which seeks to spotlight something “Good” happening in the seafood world as opposed to unfortunate news…
Last Wednesday (and right in OUR backyard), two vessels from the world-renowned Ocean Cleanup - returned to shore in Victoria, B.C. Canada, with proof that their experimental trash collection system (an 800-metre device towed between them) is an effective tool.
Crews returned to port in Victoria with 29,000 kilograms (or 29 tonnes) of plastic over their 12-week test mission through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
The non-profit group, based in The Netherlands, hopes to eradicate both the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the world’s other four offshore plastic accumulation zones.
Their ultimate goal is to remove ninety percent of all floating plastic in the five oceanic garbage patches by 2040.

--- Starting in Russia, the Chum Salmon run is performing a little better than expected, but is still below the preseason forecast.
As of October 17th, 72.8 thousand metric tonnes of Chum Salmon have been harvested out of 93.5 thousand metric tonnes predicted.
This equates to almost 78 percent of the forecast and the final count is expected to reach 80 percent of the forecast (or 74.8 thousand metric tonnes harvested).
Russia’s total Wild Pacific Salmon harvest is now well over 530,000 metric tonnes, surpassing the preseason forecast of 459.3 thousand metric tonnes.
--- Moving onto Japan, the Fall Hokkaido Chum Salmon fishery is performing at a pace similar to last year sitting at just over 107 percent compared to the same time in 2020 but is still well below total catch of previous years.
As of October 13th, 40.8 thousand metric tonnes of Fall Hokkaido Chum Salmon have been harvested - compared to 38.3 thousand at the same point last year.
In 2020, Japan harvested 54.7 thousand metric tonnes (or 17.5 million fish) of wild Pacific Chum Salmon out of a preseason forecast of 20 million fish.
The Chum Salmon fishery in Japan typically starts up around the end of August and really ramps up after mid-september.
The Pre-season forecast for the 2021 Fall Hokkaido Chum Salmon fishery is for 16.77 million fish.
--- Moving onto the Puget Sound Chum Salmon fishery in Washington state, and unfortunately it’s looking like another bad year as Wild Pacific Salmon stocks from British Columbia Canada to Washington continue to be in dire straits.
2021 preliminary preseason run size forecasts for Puget Sound Chum were for 580,000 fish - which is down considerably from 762,000 fish forecasted for 2020.
Chum Salmon harvest out of Washington have continued to struggle resulting in a statewide harvest in 2020 of only 1050 metric tonnes from 250,000 fish.
2019 saw only 1168 metric tonnes harvested from 296,000 fish - down considerably from 3500 metric tonnes in 2018, and 6300 metric tonnes harvested in 2017.
--- Current market conditions for Chum Salmon supply is the same story as it’s been all year - and that is inventories are scarce.

Much of what we might see out of the Puget Sound fishery will go straight to the fresh market.
There has not been a lot of Chum Salmon available and we do not expect to see much more.
At the time of reporting, Fisheries and Oceans Canada just announced the Johnstone Strait mixed stock commercial Chum fisheries will not be opening in 2021, and the Area H troll Johnstone Strait mixed stock Chum fishery will be delayed until further notice.
Puget Sound Chum Salmon has fishery openings until around the end of November.
On that note, there may still be some opportunity for the odd Chum Salmon offer out of Puget Sound and Canada.
Our recommendation is to let your Tradex Foods rep know you are looking for Chum Salmon and we can secure it for you once some become available.
Also, talk to your Tradex rep for alternative products for your programs.
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#NationalSeafoodMonth #SeaTheGood
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