EP 549 | AIRED 08/02/2021
August 2nd, 2021 --- This week we report on the Russian Salmon Fishery as the season marks a high with an explosive 100,000 metric tonnes harvest just over the past week but as the season heats up, Russian officials are warning of possible shortages in cold storage capacity.
--- Salmon fishing in Russia’s Far East has entered the active stage and (at the time of reporting) current harvest totals for Russian Pacific Salmon reached 200,000 metric tonnes which is 2.5 times more than the pace of 2020.
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As Pink, Chum, and Sockeye are the primary species harvested and produced by Russia, our recommendation is to contact Tradex Foods to develop a Russian Salmon sourcing strategy as there may be some unique and favorable opportunities here.
For Chum Salmon specifically, with Alaska’s Chum harvest looking like the run has already peaked, the market is likely to see about the same amount of Chum Salmon out of Alaska as last year where 8.5 million Chum were harvested.
Global Salmon production this year is forecasted to amount to 930,000 metric tonnes from all major Wild Salmon producing countries around the world.
Alaska continues to be the world's second largest Wild Salmon producer with 190 million fish forecasted to be harvested in 2021.
Expect spotty supply of Salmon out of British Columbia, Canada down the California as this region continues to see diminishing Salmon stocks.
Keep tuned in here as we continue to bring you the pulse on the Salmon market throughout the summer Salmon season.
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