EP 522 | AIRED 01/25/2021
January 29, 2021 Update: The International Pacific Halibut Commission has confirmed this morning during day five of their Annual Meeting that the 2021 TCEY for the Pacific Halibut Fishery to be set at 39 million lbs - inline with what was reported on our Monday January 25th episode below. The Commission also acknowledged they will be considering the opportunities of a year-round fishery.
January 25th, 2021--- This week we sneak in a Pacific Halibut update just days before the International Pacific Halibut Commission is set to reach a decision on the fishing limits for the 2021 Commercial Pacific Halibut Fishery.
--- At an SPR level of 43 percent, the 2021 Total Constant Exploitation Yield (also known as the TCEY) would equate to 39 million lbs - an increase when compared to the previous three seasons.
Through the IPHC’s Management Strategy Evaluation process, a coastwide fishing intensity corresponding to an SPR of 43 percent has been found to meet the Commission’s objectives of avoiding stock sizes that would be associated with conservation concern, maximizing fishery yield and minimizing fishery variability.
There are many factors the Commission will consider this week during the IPHC's 97th Annual Meeting before reaching a final TCEY value which will be made Friday January 29th.
We caught up with IPHC Executive Director David Wilson last week for his comments on how the 2020 fishery went with a season that proceeded through a pandemic and also for comments on the upcoming 2021 season.
He goes on to say...
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--- As a final note on the stock status and distribution of Pacific Halibut and the Scientific Advice from an IPHC 2020 Stock Assessment report determined that the stock is considered to be ‘not overfished’.
and the proportion of the coastwide stock represented by Biological Region 3 has been largely decreasing since 2004 and increasing in Biological Regions 2 and 4.
However, there was an increase in Biological Region 3 in 2020 and a decrease in Biological Region 2.
Biological Region 4 is near the historical high estimated for 2019, and has shown an increasing trend since the early 1990s.
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